Tuesday, March 31, 2015

How Expensive Are Horses Anyway?

 "How expensive are horses, anyway."  When people find out we have two horses, this is one of the first questions I generally hear.  Honestly, the answer depends on quite a lot of different factors.  I can only answer based on what our horses cost with our situation, which is keeping 2 horses on our own property and caring for them ourselves. 

Start up costs:

We live on 9.5 acres that includes 3 acres of fenced area with a small 3 stall open barn and tack room, which we had to build on the property.  Prices will vary greatly depending on your area.  There are also all those additional things that you need when you have a horse, including, but not limited to:

lead lines
saddle and saddle pads
water trough
blankets and sheets
first aid kit

The initial expenses of preparing can be quite high, but we purchased much of what we needed through Craigslist or tack swaps in our area.  Given that we have all the basic necessities, here are the costs of what we pay to keep our horses:


Our horses are mostly yard ornaments and are not worked hard, so we give them approximately 15,000 calories per day.  Those calories come from:

-Pasture: We seed twice per year and the seed costs are about $100.00 each, so this averages to $16.00 per month.

- Hay: 75 bales of hay will last the winter, November through March, and in the late spring we buy the bales for approximately $5.50 each.  We give each horse about 10-15 pounds per day of orchard grass mix, which has about 800 calories per pound for a total of 8000-12000 calories.  This averages out to about $35.00 per month

-Grain: In the winter we feed about 6 pounds of feed per day and in the summer about 2.5 pounds.  Each pound has about 1100 calories for a total of about 3000-6000 calories per day.  At $15.00 per bag, and an average of 4 bags per month, this equals about $60.00 per month

-Treats: To be honest, our dog Fritz eats most of the horse treats, but we buy about a bag a month for $6.00.


Preventative Healthcare:

Farrier Service: 
Our farrier comes every 6 weeks for a trim (no shoes) and costs $70.00 per visit so this averages out to $50.00 per month

If there is no emergency visit, the vet only needs to come once per year to check health, teeth, pull blood for a Coggins test, etc.  (One of the horses was ill last spring so the vet bill was quite a big higher.)  The normal yearly visit is about $200.00, so the average is $17.00 per month

I deworm 4 times per year using various products.  The cost of the 8 doses of wormer for the two horses ranges from $4-$20 each.  I'm estimating a total of $100 per year, so $9.00 per month.

I vaccinate the horses myself once per year, and the cost is about $80.00, so $7.00 per month

Fly spray:
I buy concentrate and mix it to help save money.  Fly spray is a seasonal necessity, and a full summer will use up about 2 large concentrate containers that cost $35.00 each.  This averages to $6.00 per month

And the Total Is:

The total cost of these expenses comes to $235.00 for our two horses, or $117.50 each.  This does not take into consideration the time and effort that is necessary for keeping horses, but to me this is a hobby and the time spent is not work, but play! 

Additional Expenses:

Keep in mind that additional veterinary and farrier expenses can and do occur!  If you are boarding your horses, not only do you have these expenses but the costs of renting the property and stall as well as the cost of paying someone to feed, blanket, clean hooves, etc. which can be quite high. 

There are also the costs associated with lessons and trainers if you are new or need refreshers.  If you plan to participate in horse shows there are additional costs of show clothes, show tack, travel expenses, show fees, etc.

So you see, the cost of owning a horse can be fairly reasonable, or it can be quite high depending on your individual circumstances!  Do your homework and talk to other horse enthusiasts in your area for more information before making the commitment.  You may even want to look into leasing or half-leasing initially while you learn! Happy trails!

Mini LaMancha Goats Coming this Weekend!

So in writing about what is coming up next for my little homestead in Pungo, I mentioned the possibility of dairy goats.  The dairy goat plan is now a reality, and I am so excited!
Coming this Saturday:

Meet Ein Geti's Opal and Ein Geti's Opera (officially), who we may call Lucy and Ethel.

Why mini LaMancha dairy goats?

When we decided to get goats, the first decision to make was which kind.  My daughter has a friend who has standard size goats and offered us an unregistered Nubian-cross doe (female) and whether (castrated male) at a very low price, and it was tempting!  However, in looking at the cost of feed- both hay and goat chow, plus calculating in the reduced value of the kids (baby goats), the cost of owning goats was not worth the value of the milk they would produce. 

I wanted to get goats that were easy enough to handle that our children would not be intimidated by them.  Lucas, especially, is interested in learning about goats and milking, and a mini goat will be easier for him to handle. This made me look into the possibility of miniature goats.

Mini goats are not without problems, though.  Because they are a smaller breed, we will need to reinforce our electric fence so that they cannot go under or through it.  For the time being, we are using field fencing to create a small paddock within our horse fence, but eventually we want to allow them to roam the pasture freely to remove small trees and weeds that want to grow.  This will be a significant expense as our fence is approximately 1200 feet that will all need to be re-inforced.

We decided to get goats that would be high quality, registered, and from a good dairy line so that they would produce adequate milk for our family and so that their offspring would be valuable enough to cover the costs of owning goats.  I thought at first the only mini goat that fit this description was the Nigerian Dwarf, but then I found out about other mini breeds, which are registered with the MDGA (Miniature Dairy Goat Association) and TMGR (The Miniature Goat Registry). 

Mini Goats are produced by originally crossing the Nigerian Dwarf dairy goat with another kind to get a mini first generation goat. The first 4 generations of this cross are considered "experimental" because you use these generations to experiment with the breed to ultimately get the wonderful traits you want to see in your goat.  Goats later than 4th generation are considered American and then Purebred and must conform to more strict standards.

Here are some of the mini goats that are being produced:

Mini Saanen, a white goat known for its easy going temperament
Picture taken from www.homesteadingtoday.com

Mini Nubian - cute droopy ears and beautiful markings, but they can be loud and sassy!
This goat is from www.bellsgoats.com

Mini Oberhasli, a goat with a stronger flavored milk that some people love
Pic taken from www.Glimmercroft.com

Mini Lamancha, best known for its ears, or actually the lack of outer ear!
Pic from www.echohillsfarm.com
We decided on the Mini Lamancha based on it's friendly easy-going nature, the high butterfat in the milk, and because my husband likes the tall lean look of the Mini Lamancha's frame.  The Mini-Lamanchas we are getting will be 4th generation from good dairy lines, meaning their offspring (if they meet the standard) will be 5th generation American registered dairy goats.  We have already found a couple suitable bucks (intact males) that are 4th generation from excellent dairy lines to choose from for this fall's breeding!

Look for more goaty info and pics next week when the babies arrive!